Tyrone Appollis is a notable South African artist and poet.
He was active in the formation of the Mitchell’s Plain Art Group in 1988. He has held numerous local and international art exhibitions. A professional artist since the late 1970s, Tyrone Appollis works from the conviction that “an artist must be of his time”. Born in Cape Town in 1957, Appollis studied art part-time at the Community Arts Project under Cecil Skotnes and at the Foundation School of Art in Observatory.
Tyrone Appollis’s art is rooted in his geographic identity as a Capetonian, in his historic identity as a “coloured” person, in his post-apartheid national identity as a South African, in his non- racial identity as an African, and in his humanistic identity as a member of a global community of artists. Appollis’s work is represented in several public and private collections in South Africa and abroad.
Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae
Born 1957, Cape Town
Held his first solo exhibition at aged 14 under the auspices of Students' Health And Welfare Centres
Organisation (Shawco) and the Cape Flats Development Association (CAFDA).
Rocklands Library Mitchells Plain South African Association of Arts, British Council. Johannesburg
South African Association of Arts, Worcester Chelsea Gallery, Wyndberg, Cape Town Karren McKerron Gallery, Johannesburg Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town
Sheraton Atlantis Hotel Zurich
Sanlam Art Gallery, Bellville, Cape Town
Appollis has participated in numerous group exhibitions in South Africa and abroad.
Selected Public and Corporate Collections
Constitutional Court of South Africa Collection,
Durban Art Gallery
Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town
Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town
Mayibuye Centre, University of the Western Cape
Metropolitan Life Insurance Ltd
Michaelis School of Fine Art Collection, University
of Cape Town
National Department of Education of the
Government of South Africa, Pretoria
National Gallery of Namibia, Windhoek
Norton Museum, Florida
Pretoria Art Museum
Sasol Art Collection
Sanlarn Art Collection
University of Cape Town
University of Kansas

Tyrone Appollis.
Marimba Nights
Acrylic on board.
52 x 57 cm
Please enquire here for the price.

Tyrone Appollis.
Acrylic on board.
62 x 81cm
Please enquire here for the price.

Tyrone Appollis.
Election Fever
Acrylic on board.
56 x 46 cm
Please enquire here for the price.

Tyrone Appollis.
On Pension
Acrylic on board.
71 x 88cm
Please enquire here for the price.
Tyrone Appollis.
Kalky's Boiling Over
Acrylic on board.
65 x 78 cm
Please enquire here for the price.