Prominent Cape Town artist and cultural worker, Louis Jansen van Vuuren
is both an artist and writer whose work has gained him recognition throughout South Africa and abroad. In addition to producing his very distinctive oils and pastels on paper, he has been actively involved in art
education for several decades. He, himself, was awarded the Maggie Laubser Scholarship by the University of Stellenbosch, as well as the Cape Tercentenary Foundation Scholarship, in 1975.
1972-1973 Lecturer in Art and Design, Natal College for Advanced Technical Education
1974-1983 Lecturer, Department of Creative Arts, University of Stellenbosch
1984-1993 Lecturer in Graphic Design, Michaelis School of Fine Art, UCT
1993-1999 Ad hominem promotion to Senior Lecturer, Michaelis School of Fine Art, UCT
Multiple exhibitions in Cape Town , South Africa and abroad

Louis Jansen van Vuuren
Delft on my Mind
Gicelee Print
82 x 82 cm
​R 15 000
Louis Jansen van Vuuren
Summer Song
Oil on canvas
74 x 74 cm
​R 45 000

Louis Jansen van Vuuren & Isabella Niehaus.
Skepelkos / Earthling Food
Recipe Books