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I am a Cape Town based free diver and underwater photographer working predominantly in the kelp forests near my home.

I create art prints of my work using cyanotype medium.

I fell in love with the ocean as a young child when I learned to surf. Ever since I’ve been enamored by its everchanging beauty. Later in life, I learned to free dive amongst the coastal underwater sea forests. I felt like my eyes were opened to a whole new world as I found a bounty of beautiful creatures, great and small, with a multitude of textures and shapes I had never seen before. Taking photographs underwater on a
single breath has its challenges but allows one to get into the small gullies and crevasses where the all the magic happens. My focus is to highlight the beauty that lies beneath the surface to all that see my work. My intrigue to the ocean encompasses how everything is connected from the megafauna
to the minute reef invertebrates. I want my body of work to depict that.


To create a cyanotype image, I begin by converting my photograph into a digital negative and have it printed to size. I prepare a sheet of paper by painting an environmentally friendly iron salt chemical onto a page. Once my sheet is prepared, I cover it with my negative and expose to the sun’s UV. The final process is washing the excess chemical off which reveals the final image. The deep Prussian blues creates a visual delicacy that translates a visceral feeling to underwater images. Cyanotype prints create deep shadows and strong highlights that gives an air of mystery that allows the viewer to be drawn in and hooked.



James Lowe

Kelp Forest , Castle Calling 



86.5 x 66cm

R13 950


R11 140






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James Lowe

Kelp Forest  II



86.5 x 66cm

Framed: R13 950 SOLD

Unframed: R11 140





Neptunes Nook 48.jpg

James Lowe

Neptunes Nook 


77 x 65 cm 

Unframed - SOLD

Framed - R13,950








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