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CGLA8 carbon fibre resin and silver inla


 Glenn Adendorff – In Search of Serendipity

‘Children,’ said cosmologist Carl Sagan, ‘ask all the right questions. Why is the sky blue? How do birds fly? But pretty soon the schools, the institutions, knock it out of them and they become good, solid members of society. But some people keep asking those questions. And these people end up becoming scientists; or even poets.’

Glenn Adenforff is one such poet. Whether it is through his jewellery, his imagery, his music, his cinematography; or even his poetry, he is always asking the right questions. The hard, heavy, numinous ones that make people uncomfortable because the answers, if there are indeed any, are elusive, chimeric creatures that can never be caught and pinned to the wall.

What is truth? What is beauty? What does it matter? In all the mediums through which his restless spirit weaves, Glenn is in prolific pursuit of these vexing vanishing points. Yet, like any artist of calibre, he is not particularly interested in answers but in the wild ride through the forests of the soul and the wormholes of the mind that such a quest involves.

The richly complex tapestry of Glenn’s creativity tells the story of an artist comprised of myriad facets and a multitude of dimensions. The visceral blur of stream-of-consciousness images and sounds that comprises his film and music is pure punk DIY experimentalism while the exquisite craftsmanship of his singular jewellery creations reflects a relentless devotion to detail.



Bronze concrete carbon rings - R915


Skate Board wood rings - R3100 each 


Keyrings branded 'Tzur' which means 'to have faith like a rock' - R620 




Carbon fibre men's ring with sterling silver inner sleeve. R3525

CGLA8 carbon fibre resin and silver inla

Carbon fibre and sterling silver two-tone men's ring with resin inlay. R3525

CGLA7 R455 .jpg

Reclaimed Stainless steel bike link cuff links. R455 (pair)


 Plain black carbon fibre matte finish rings -R985 each

  • © 1998 Artvark Gallery • Telephone (021) 788 5584 • Email: • Copyright 2013 | Kalk Bay | Cape Town | South Africa Find us on MOMONDO Travel Guides I  KALKBAY COURTYARD - Phone  (021)  788 8590                                                                                                             

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